Be better...

This post is coming from a place of frustration, so if you're reading this and think, "whoa! Someone's upset." You would be correct.


When I see garbage at the park or on the side of the road, I choose to be angry. I choose to let it bother me. Why? Because people know better. The other day I was walking my dog, and I saw  leftover food, balloons, and just TRASH at the ramadas. I saw the parties the day before and the exact same balloons that were not cleaned up. I don’t understand why people cant put their garbage in the trashcan that is literally inches away.


Why are people ass holes when they drive? The rule when merging is 1 and 1. You don’t speed up, and try and squeeze in without letting others in. You don't cut others off. You know better than that. So be better!


Be better!!!!!!


You know how to be kind. You know the benefit of  being courteous to others. Guess what happens  when you're a jerk. Accidents. You can literally cause others harm because you're a selfish jerk. Guess what happens when you don’t clean up after yourself at the park. My dog eats your trash, candy and leftover food. My dog gets sick and barfs every where.


You know better, so be better. We are constantly bombarded with people talking about the world, and how awful it is. Guess how it changes? With you. It changes with you taking care of yourself. If everyone picked up their own trash, or didn’t throw it out of the car window, there would be no trash at the park. Think of the number of accidents that would not happen if we followed the traffic rules? How would you feel if someone didn’t snap at you at the grocery store? How would you feel if you didn’t see graffiti on the highway? I know I would feel awesome.


I want to go to sleep knowing that I did my best. You picked up your trash, you weren’t an ass hole deliberately, you were courteous, you taught your children to be a good person. If you do your best that’s what matters. You know better. BE BETTER!


Put aside your own feelings, put aside your own emotions and throw your god damn trash away. The problems that our planet is facing, are real. Get a reusable water bottle. Its .25 cents a gallon at water and ice. Keep fresh water in your fridge. No one is trying to scam you into buying "reef safe" sunscreen. Those are real problems. It’s not a gimmick when they talk about the benefits of eating less meat, and the harm it has on our planet. There is scientific proof. You can see the effects of these everywhere. Make one small change. Try not to use plastic so much.


Its simple. When you buy a tomato sauce jar, wash it out, reuse it for storage. Its simple, its easy. No one is making it up.


My dad thinks eating healthy is a hoax. He thinks I'm making up the benefits of fruits and vegetables, eating less meat, the effects of dairy. I'm not, and neither is anyone else.


I personally struggle with working out and I know the benefits of working out. Everyday I have to put my mind right. I have to work hard to get myself in the right mind set to work out. So does everyone who makes it look easy. Maybe for some its become a habit, but that took time and effort.




You know better, so be better.

Fynding Dyanna