The Sign
When I was growing up, Ace of Base was hot! The song, The Sign, was always playing and I was always singing it!
In kindergarten, I met a friend who’s love for Ace of Base also burned white hot! Our favorite thing to do was swing and sing! We would scream/sing “I SAW THE SUN” at the top of our lungs. I mean what 5 year old knows the exact lyrics? I sure didn’t! I think her name was Jessica, but I do remember she had an older sister named Diana! Ugh I thought she was so cool! I wanted to be a cool Diana so bad! I mean she was probably… 8 years old? But in my eyes, the epitome of third grade coolness!
One day after school Jessica invited me to her house, and of course she had a swing set! The cool points are adding up! So we start our normal routine. Pumping our little legs like crazy, getting higher and higher. I loved to let my fro down and watch it fly all around me and slap me in the face. As normal kids do, Jessica suggested we have a contest to see who can jump off the swing the farthest. This is not going where you think its going.
Jessica and I jumped off the swings at least 5 times, and she was winning. So of course I suggested one more time to redeem myself. I'm gearing up for the jump of my life. My arms are in the ready position to fly through the air. I give one final pump with my legs, hair flying, I am leaping off the swing. I can feel nothing but victory around me. I land and realize I HAD NO SHIRT ON! My shirt got stuck in the chain and ripped clean off!
I looked down, Jess is laughing, and I am mortified. Nothing between me and the sun but fresh air. Out of sheer embarrassment I took off running. My house was right down the street, but when you're a humiliated 5 year old, it could have been on another planet.
Hair flying again, but this time fueled by adrenaline and the horrific scene that took place at the swing set. I see my house in the distance, I'm trying so hard not to cry. I run through the open garage door, rip open the door to our house and fly down the hallway into my room. I put on a new shirt, and acted like nothing ever happened. I thought I got out of there unscathed, and only Jessica would know about my bare chested adventure. Nope.
Later that night, Jessica showed up to my house with the tattered shirt. I felt defeated. My mom asked me what happened and I told her. Of course my brother popped is dumb head in and asked what happened. They laughed and laughed and laughed. And to this day, hearing Ace of Base gives me chills.